
How can I help?

  1. Write code. There is a lot which needs to be done. If you can program in Python, please write some code. Note that all pull requests should be sent to the "develop" branch (see the Caster GitHub Workflow section below).
  2. Write documentation. The ReadTheDocs page is pretty sparse. ReadTheDocs uses markdown so create new docs as .md files.
  3. Speak. Tell others who might be interested in Caster. Join our discussions on the issues page and Gitter. The more the merrier, and your thoughts are welcome and encouraged.

Caster GitHub Workflow

Pull requests for Caster need to be submitted against the develop branch, which requires a slightly modified workflow from PRs submitted against a repository's main branch. It is recommended that you review one of the many online tutorials (for example, this one) to familiarize yourself with the standard GitHub workflow.

This guide assumes that you have already forked the Caster repository, cloned your copy locally, and setup a remote pointing to the upstream (synkarius) repository. This setup process is identical to the standard workflow, covered here, but essentially consists of creating a fork on GitHub, followed by something like the following sequence of commands to make a local copy of the repository and link it back to the upstream (synkarius) fork:

cd C:\MyProjects
git clone{YOUR-USER-NAME}/caster/
cd caster
git remote add upstream

Prepare a feature branch for your pull request

Fetch the latest from the upstream (synkarius) repo:

git fetch upstream

Create a new branch for your PR:

git checkout --no-track -b pr-feature-name upstream/develop

Where pr-feature-name is the name you want to give to your new feature branch.

Make your changes and commit them to your PR branch:

edit somefile.txt
edit anotherfile.cpp
git commit -a -m "Made some changes..."

Push your PR branch up to your GitHub fork:

git push origin pr-feature-name

Open a pull request

When you navigate to your fork on GitHub, you will be asked if you want to open a pull request for the branch you just pushed. Click the button to open a new pull request, enter a title and description for the PR, and make sure you select the develop branch on the base (dictation-toolbox) fork.