Alias Commands

Creating Them

You can create commands on-the-fly by highlighting text on the screen and saying one of the following.

"alias <something>"

With the alias command, <something> is the spec of the new command you would like to create. For instance, if I highlight the word "create" in the previous sentence, then say "alias tiger", then after that, if I say the word "tiger", then the word "create" will be printed.

chain alias

There are two differences with the chain version of the alias command. The first is that you don't have to speak the spec. A box will pop up and ask you for it. The second is that commands created with the chain version will be incorporated into the active CCR set, meaning, they'll be chainable with the other active CCR commands.

Deleting Them

You can delete alias commands either by editing your "configaliases.txt" file manually, or by simply saying "delete aliases". Doing the latter will wipe out both alias and chain aliases.

Enabling Them

Aliases are not enabled by default. After creating your first alias command, you'll have to say "enable aliases". Aliases are a CCR module, and work like the rest of the CCR modules in this regard.