Automatic CCR module and Command Mode switching

Caster can automatically turn CCR modules on and off based on the foreground window, as well as command mode. There's a section of the settings file that looks like the following which must be modified to activate this feature:

"auto_com": {
    "active": true,
    "change_language": true,
    "change_language_only": false,
    "executables": [
    "interval": 2

Here are what the values do.

active : switches to command mode for executables listed in the executables section

change language : switches CCR module -- for this to work, the CCR module has to "register" itself like so:

settings.register_language(".cpp", "c++")
settings.register_language(".h", "c++")

change language only : language and not command mode

interval : time in seconds for pinging the foreground window